Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Short History Of Ukraine and Culture
Short History Of Ukraine and Culture
Travel tips for your trip to Ukraine Hotel Maps Famous Places in Ukraine helps you to make your trip to Ukraine in the holiday a Splendid One

Ukraine has long been associated with its much larger and more powerful neighbour Russia and first came under Russian control in the 1650s when the only real alternative was invasion by the Poles.

By the 19th century, although the western part of Ukraine was under Austro-Hungarian control, the remainder (and majority) became part of the Russian Empire. After various attempts at independence around the period of the 1917 Russian Revolution, Ukraine became a republic within the USSR and its territory enlarged slightly around the time of World War II. Crimea became part of Ukraine in 1954 and, due to its predominantly Russian population and strategic position on the Black Sea, is still the subject of ongoing dispute between Ukraine and Russia.

In 1986, in the final years of the Soviet era and during the Perestroika period of President Gorbachev, the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in northern Ukraine brought worldwide attention, and was arguably a significant factor in accelerating the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Full independence came with the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, but Ukraine's foreign relations are still dominated by the Russian Federation, a fact which displeases many of the country’s ethnic Ukrainian population (particularly those in the west of the country).

Rigged presidential elections in 2004 that declared Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych the victor sparked bitter public outcry and resulted in the so-called Orange Revolution and the subsequent 2005 election of pro-Western Viktor Yushchenko as President, with Yulia Tymoshenko as his Prime Minister. However, Yanukovych soon returned to power as Prime Minister in 2006 and in 2010 was elected President once more. It remains to be seen whether Yanukovych’s more pro-Russian stance will compromise any of the pro-Western and democratic advances made by the Orange Revolution.